Your gift purchases a piece of music for one of our choirs.
Your gift sponsors a student's tuition for one full year.
Your gift sponsors one of our three concerts of the year.
Your gift sponsors a choir class.
Your gift sponsors one of our four rehearsal sites for the year.
Your gift sponsors a year of SSCC programming.
Bank of America, N.A., as Trustee of the Deborah Munroe Noonan Memorial Fund
Bridgewater State University*
Angela Card
Easton Cultural Council
Hanover Cultural Council
Adam Graeber
Kelly Graeber
Tanmay Gupta
Thomas & Mary Kelly
Steve & Barbara Massey
Patricia McMullin
Heather O'Leary
Urania Olivadoti
Maria Laura Rodriguez
Hamilton Company
Kirstin Gray
Rockland Trust
Mary Rollman
Quincy Cultural Council
Kathleen Blais
Lymari Aldea Gonzalez
Jeffrey Graeber
Ryan Graeber
Sarah Hoyt
Kevin Parker
Doris Perry
Sharon Cultural Council
Saisons Skincare*
Lymari Aldea Gonzalez
Alexandra Preece
Alyssa Fajardo
Andrea Wood
Anisha Mendonza
Bev Schmidt
Brian Alfond
Colleen McAuliffe
Dave Curran
David Bryant
Diane Loveday
Edward Isidor
Edward MacKinnon
Elizabeth Tolini
Elvire Stanislous
Gabriel Sirota
Jaime Alberts
James Hurley
Jasira Silva
Jennifer Thresher
Jessica Gerra
Joanna Hebert
Josephine Rego
Karen May
Kathryn Tower
Kelly Messier
Kirsten Oberoi
Lauren Squires
Lisa Fruscella
Marcie Fowler
Marco Zavala
Margaret ODonnell
Maura Davenport*
Maura MacKinnon
Mia Regazza*
Naromie Mesidor
Patricia McMullin
Rachael Conroy
Scott Cory
Starland Express*
Sonja Dowling
Stephanie Adams
Sue Tinkham
Thomas Driscoll
Tiffany Elliot
Tiffany Micali
Timothy Mclaughlin
Virginia DePina
William Gilleran
SSCC is grateful to all of our donors and community partners, whose contributions, both monetary and *in-kind, support our mission and events.